Picture Caption: Staff of Project Office posing with the Contractor for CBSP Human Resources Development component, Pasifiki HR team at Tina River Hydropower Development Project office.
Local firm Pasifiki HR have been awarded the contract to deliver pre-employment, vocational and technical training programs aimed at building local capacity under the Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) for the Tina River Hydro Development Project.
This appointment reflects the Solomon Island Governments’ commitment to prioritising local organisations and giving agencies like Pasifiki HR, the opportunity to be involved with the nation building, world class renewable energy infrastructure Project. The contract, which spans over a 12-month period, was awarded to the firm after they successfully met the requirements and completed a stringent selection process governed with oversight by the CBSP team in the Project Office, the World Bank and the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification.
Dr Edgar Pollard, Director of Pasifiki HR, said the company was looking forward to working with the communities within the catchment areas of the Project and to support them with training and employment opportunities. “Pasifiki HR is happy to be part of the Tina River Hydro Project; a Project of national importance. We are privileged to be involved to implement the CBSP component and to render our services to building this nation as well.”
The Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) is designed to enhance the positive impacts of the Project to the communities in the area by investing in basic services and infrastructure and to foster support and cooperation from the communities. Benefit-sharing is an approach adopted by the Project to promoting sustainable development for affected communities which extends beyond the life of the actual project. Under the Human Resource Development component of the CBSP, Pasifiki HR, who are a well-established and reputable firm based in Honiara, will meet this objective by helping members of communities in the Project area access training and employment opportunities created by TRHDP.
An estimated 5000 people live in the project affected areas and will have access to these services over the next 12 months. Following the appointment, the firm’s first task is to now devise a work plan and provide a report back to the CBSP team to be discussed for implementation.