1. What is the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)?
The GRM is a procedure that will be used to identify, track, and manage grievances raised by Project stakeholders in relation to Project activities (construction and future operations).
2. Who is responsible for implementing the GRM?
The GRM will be implemented through a coordinated effort of the Project implementing entities: Tina Hydro Limited (THL), Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC), Solomon Power and the Project Office. As the Project Developer, THL has overall responsibility for managing and implementing the GRM. THL will maintain the Grievance Register that will contain all grievances received for the Project, and will delegate the consultation and resolution of grievances to the appropriate Project implementing entity as follows:
- HEC will be responsible for responding to construction-related grievances;
- THL will be responsible for responding to grievances once the hydropower facility is in operation;
- Solomon Power will be responsible for responding to transmission line-related grievances; and
- The Project Office will be responsible for responding to issues related to land ownership, livelihoods restoration, assets compensation, and the Community Benefit Share Project (CBSP).
3. Why do we have a GRM?
The main reason for establishing the GRM is to manage and facilitate effective communication and awareness between the Project implementing entities and communities or Project-affected people. The GRM will serve as a way to address community and Project-affected people’s issues and concerns, strive to prevent reoccurrences, and assist in creating positive social change.
4. What are the objectives of the GRM process?
By implementing the GRM we aim to:
- Build good relationships and trust with the communities and Project-affected people;
- Respond to grievances in a prompt, discreet, effective and transparent manner;
- Reduce the possibility of conflicts between the Project and communities and/or Project-affected people (roadblocks, demonstrations, etc.);
- Facilitate a GRM process that is participatory, social and gender-focused; and
- Increase community and Project-affected people’s awareness of the GRM process and how to submit a grievance.
5. How can I submit a grievance?
Grievances and issues can be submitted in various ways:
- Build good relationships and trust with the communities and Project-affected people;
- Respond to grievances in a prompt, discreet, effective and transparent manner;
- Reduce the possibility of conflicts between the Project and communities and/or Project-affected people (roadblocks, demonstrations, etc.);
- Facilitate a GRM process that is participatory, social and gender-focused; and
- Increase community and Project-affected people’s awareness of the GRM process and how to submit a grievance.
5. How can I submit a grievance?
Grievances and issues can be submitted in various ways:
- The preferred method where possible, is through the online Grievance Form on the Project website. Here you will find an easy to fill out form that can be used to provide the necessary details.
- Verbal communication with any employee of the Project who will direct you to responsible, staff from THL, HEC, Solomon Power and the Project Office. All verbal grievances received will be transcribed onto an official grievance form as soon as possible by the recipient.
- Phoning THL’s office on 25115 and telling the receptionist that you wish to submit a grievance.
- Written communication by sending an email to THL at enviro.social@tinahydropower.com.sb
- Completing a grievance form and posting it to THL’s at the address below. Grievance forms are available at designated locations in local communities and outside each of the Project offices in Honiara (PO, THL, HEC and Solomon Power) and can also be downloaded and printed from here (English form | Pijin form).
- Grievance forms can also be put in the securer drop boxes at designated locations in each community or outside one of the Project implementing entities offices (THL, HEC, Solomon Power and the Project Office).
Office locations and contact details in Honiara:
6. What happens after I submit my grievance?
Grievances and issues can be submitted in various ways:
- Your grievance is submitted to THL and recorded in the Grievance Register.
- You will receive verbal and/or written acknowledgement that your grievance has been received.
- Your grievance will be assigned to the appropriate Project implementing entity, who will consult with you and work towards an agreed resolution.
- Time limit?
- If you are not satisfied with the proposed resolution, you will be informed of your rights to appeal to a third party. Note that further consultation is preferred over legal methods of resolution.
- Once an agreed resolution is reached, the resolution will be implemented.
The diagram below shows the GRM process for receiving, managing and resolving grievances related to Project activities.