The TRHDP will consist of 4 components: (i) Hydropower Facility (HPF); (ii) Access Road; (iii) Transmission Line; (iv) Technical Assistance (TA). This factsheet will detail Component 1 - Hydropower Facility.

Hydropower Facility - US $185.66 million
Under a 34-year PPA (including construction period), the Project Company, Tina Hydro Limited will develop, finance, construct and operate the HPF with an installed capacity of 15 MW located on the Tina River, 20 km southeast of Honiara and will compromise of:
(a) A roller-compacted-concrete (RCC) dam 72 m high ( from foundation) located in a narrow gorge on the Tina River;
(b) A waterway including a 3.3 km headrace tunnel in 3.3 m diameter, surge shaft and a surface-type steel penstock in 3.0 m diamenter to convery water from the dam to the powerhouse;
(c) A powerhouse 5.7 km downstream of the dam site that will house three 5 MW Francis turbines.