Livelihood and Work Readiness and Life Skills Trainings

- The aim is for 720 CBSP community members to participate with the target of 50% women. The aim is to improve skills and capacity of community members to enhance their work opportunities and earning potential in various sectors and train people to be work ready for jobs with the Tina River Hydropower Development Project or elsewhere. This subcomponent is divided in two areas covering Livelihood Skills Trainings and Life skills and Work Readiness Training.

Livelihood Skills Trainings will:
- Cover short technical skills training in specific areas relevant to existing livelihoods and informal income generation activities for up to 420 participants and
- Be focussed on agriculture and informal sector marketing to support and strengthen target communities’ primary source of household income and job opportunities.

Work Readiness and Life Skills Training will:
- Be available for up to 300 CBSP community members to participate with the target of 50% women.
- Conduct 5-day training based on existing modules from the Rapid Employment Program’s Pre-Employment Training (PET) and succeeding Infrastructure and Service Delivery Training (ISDT) under the CAUSE project.
- Training will cover topics on health, hygiene, nutrition and household management; leadership and gender equality including gender-based violence; environment and climate change; problem solving and teamwork; managing money, banking, budgeting and preparing for employment, financial literacy and income generation strategies.