Tina Hydro Project Completes Feasibility Studies

The Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) now confirms the Tina River Hydro Power Development project has completed baseline studies at the end of last year and will start the implementation phase this year, 2014. In a statement, MMERE, said the preparatory phase included Feasibility Studies, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, ESIA, a Traditional Land Identification Process and Benefit Share arrangement of the Project. “The MMERE is very encouraged by the work that is being achieved by a dedicated project office on the Tina Project and is supporting the project team in pushing the project a head.” “The …

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Prime Minister: Tina Region “A Real Model For Sustainable Development”

The Prime Minister and two of his cabinet Ministers held a successful visit to Marava in the Central Guadalcanal region this morning, as part of their tour of the Tina Hydro project area.Their fly-in visit was preceded in the morning by a meeting where the Tina River Hydro Project Office and Permanent Secretary Barnabas Anga, met the Bahomea Land Identification Committee (BLIC) at Hilltop in the Bahomea area. At this meeting the PS was presented a chupu in thanks for the government’s recognition to the work of the Bahomea Land Identification Committee (BLIC). This initial meeting was followed up by …

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Solomon Islands: Renewable Energy, UN General Assembly

Solomon Islands today pushed for a united approach to confront the ongoing energy crisis facing Least Developed Countries around the world. Solomon Islands today pushed for a united approach to confront the ongoing energy crisis facing Least Developed Countries around the world. Minister for Development Planning and Aid Coordination Connelly Sandakabatu told a high level meeting of LDC’s on Partnership for Sustainable Energy at the sidelines of the 68th UN General Assembly meeting in New York today that energy is the key for economic development. Delivering the Solomon Islands Statement on Energy Minister Sandakabatu said renewable energy is the driver …

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