Results for the Board of Trustee (BoT) and Community Advisory Committee (CaC)
The Community Benefits Sharing (CBS) Fund elections for the Board of Trustees (BoT) and Community Advisory Committee (CaC) were held on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at the World Outreach Christian Centre in Lungga.
The number of eligible community members registered to vote from the Malango was 1281 and from Bahomea 1446, with the overall percentage of voter turnout being 38%. For the Board of Trustee election, all voters from both regions had to vote for 1 male and 1 female.
For the Community Advisory Committee election, voters in the Malango region were required to vote for 4 males and 3 females, and voters in the Bahomea region were required to vote for 4 females and 3 males.
The process and details of the elections were made public prior to the event in several ways. Pre-election, 3 community consultations were held in Malango and 4 community consultations in Bahomea, as well as a full pre-election awareness session on 7 December 2024 for all Bahomea and Malango community leaders and members to attend. Information was also available on the project website, Facebook page, and through the project office.
Voting was overseen by the nominated election day team, which was comprised of people from the CBSP 2 Project Management Unit, the Tina River Hydropower Project Office, Tina Hydro Limited (THL), Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI), and several community members and volunteers from the Bahomea and Malango regions. Counting and announcement of results took place on the same day.
Results tables:
This table informs the number of registered members across regions for the Bahomea and Malango Benefit Sharing Trust Association, with the total percentage of members who cast their votes on the day at 38%.
Bahomea Region Results:
Table 1: Board of Trustees Results
Table 2: Community Advisory Board Results
Malango Region Results:
Table 1: Board of Trustees Results
Table 2: Community Advisory Board Results