The Community Benefits Sharing Program Explained

What is the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP)?

A program designed to enhance the positive impacts of the project to the communities in the project area by the investment in basic services and infrastructure for the local communities; and to foster support and cooperation by the communities towards the success of the project.

What are the components of the CBSP

CBSP scheme is currently being designed to deliver 4 components:

  1. Establishment of the CBSP Fund - to be drawn from revenues generated from the project to support investment and basic-need services, which are essential to the development of the communities throughout the lifetime of the project.
  2. Investment in Community Infrastructure – To enable communities in the area to access electricity, good water supply and sanitation facilities. CBSP will invest in connecting the Honiara City power grid to the communities and install good and clean water supply and sanitation facilities in targeted locations throughout the project region.
  3. Human Resource Development – The project will also have a Human Resource Development component, including pre-employment, vocational, and technical training programmes. This component will help the members of communities in the project area access the employment opportunities created by TRHDP.
  4. Project Management, Administration, M &E of the CBSP - The Technical Assistance component supports the operation of the TRHDP PO under MMERE to finance consultants to monitor overall project implementation, prepare and periodically update a Project Operations Manual in cooperation with the other implementing entities as well as provide awareness building and training for various stakeholders.

Background of the CBSP

  • Beginning in 2009, the PO has undertaken all aspects of the project in continued dialogue with the indigenous landowners and village communities of the Tina-Ngalimbiu Catchment and wider Malango Ward, and with the assistance of advisors from the World Bank, hydro engineers, and other local and international specialists. 
  • In 2012, the SIG decided to officialise its commitment to benefit-sharing and since then has continued to engage with the communities to reach an agreement on the details of the CBS mechanisms to be implemented.
  • As a result of this long term engagement, and to demonstrate their commitment to the development of the project area, the SIG took prompt action by funding a road upgrade to a school, the construction of four classrooms at each of the three schools in the area, and the maintenance of a road bridge to Tina village.
  • The SIG decided to design a pilot project which launched on December 13 2019, to deliver early benefits during the construction period, and to investigate options for the design of CBS procedures and governance arrangements.
  • Why has it been established?

  • The CBSP pilot will introduce and test an innovative approach to benefit-sharing which will able to provide a stream of benefits to the project host communities for the lifetime of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between the Development and Solomon Power, and likely beyond.
  • Benefit-sharing is an approach to promoting sustainable development for these affected communities in the context of infrastructure projects that is beyond the life of the actual project.
  • Who has been involved in its development?

  • The Solomon Islands Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) is a pilot project funded by the Government of Japan and Administered by the World Bank through the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF).
  • To support the SIG, the World Bank – which will finance construction and operation of the hydropower facility – is also supporting the design and implementation of a “Community Benefit- sharing Pilot (CBSP)”.
  • The Community Benefit-Sharing Pilot (CBSP) project and the SIG have engaged intensively with potentially project-affected communities since the beginning of the feasibility study period, and the concept of CBSP have been shaped by this ongoing dialogue with affected communities.
  • The numerous consultations have been conducted with the affected communities - more than 250 meetings over 4+ years since 2011 of various sizes, topic and stakeholder composition.
  • Members of tribes historically recognised by the Bahomea and Malango Houses of Chiefs, have been registered during the period 2013-2016 and make up an estimated 5,000 people at this point.
  • Download the Community Benefit Sharing Project factsheet here.

    Download the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here.