July 15, 2024, Central Guadalcanal – The Community Benefit Sharing Project -- Phase 2 (CBSP-2) has engaged the Literacy Association of Solomon Islands (LASI) to deliver training to the Bahomea and Malango communities as part of the Project’s literacy and numeracy development program for 2024-2025. The program is the first deliverable to be actioned under CBSP-2 Component 3 - Enhance Knowledge and Skills of Community Members - which focuses on empowering community members through training and employment support activities. This component will promote skills development and increase income generation opportunities among Tina River communities.
Under this contract, LASI will offer basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills training to approximately 600 community members, with a focus on empowering women who are expected to comprise 50% of the training participants. This initiative aims to enhance community members' confidence and enable them to actively participate in consultation processes, particularly related to the Community Benefit Sharing Fund - a unique community revenue sharing scheme set to be operationalised by 2026, and other economic development activities linked to the Tina River Hydropower Development Project.
With financing from the World Bank, the second phase of the Community Benefit Sharing Project is being implemented by the Solomon Islands Government to support the Tina River Hydropower Development Project by ensuring there is an effective and sustainable way to distribute revenue from the operation of the hydropower facility directly into communities in and around the Tina River project site. The project will deliver improved roads, water supply, and electricity connections, and other priority investments identified by the local communities.
CBSP-2 has engaged LASI for 27 months with a contract valued at SBD1,042,560.00. The partnership with LASI signifies the Government’s commitment to work with local organisations to support Tina catchment communities. LASI has a proven track record in literacy and numeracy trainings and certifications within Solomon Islands. “Empowering communities through literacy and numeracy training is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all,” said Mr Francis Kapini, Project Manager for CBSP-2. “Together with LASI, we are committed to building a strong foundation for knowledge and skills development in the Tina Project communities.” LASI is recognised for its contributions to advising on policy standards for literacy classes, as well as for producing written materials in local languages. The organisation currently plays a crucial role in coordinating and delivering services for Non-Formal Education initiatives, including training and resource development.

Caption : Francis Kapini - Project Manager CBSP-2, Lionald Tarairamo - Training Officer, CBSP-2, Priscilla Maeniuta - LASI National Coordinator, Salome Haridi -LASI Project Team Leader.
For more information contact Sarina Laurence, Communications Advisor, ph: +617 432 573 136,
About Tina River Hydro Development Project (TRHDP)
The first large scale renewable energy project for the Solomon Islands delivering benefits such as more affordable electricity and improved accessibility to cleaner, more reliable energy sources for communities now and in the future. It is being implemented by the Solomon Island Government with financing and support from the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, the Asian Development Bank, the Government of Australia, the Green Climate Fund, Korea EX-IM Economic Development Cooperation Fund, and the World Bank.
Find out more on www.tina-hydro.com
A National Project of Solomon Islands | Tina River Hydropower Tina River Hydropower is a National Project of Solomon Islands and has as its objective to provide more affordable and reliable energy options to Honiara. www.tina-hydro.com |