
The Community Benefits Sharing Program Phase 2 has launched bringing benefits to local communities for generations.

Empowering the Community Series Episode #1 : Bringing Employment Benefits to the People of Tina

Construction update from the Tina River Hydropower Development Project

Powering Progress : Lot 2-2 - The road to the Dam

Powering Progress : Lot 3 to the Powerhouse

Powering Progress: Tina River Hydropower Project Construction Update - Disposal Site

GAP Agriculture Training

GAP Skill Training workshop - Jessica Amzy

Tina Hydropower Project - Access Road Construction 

CBSP Water Supply Project

Tina River Hydropower Project Explanation: Part 1

Tina River Hydropower Project with AIFFP (Solomon Voices)

Tina River Hydropower Project and the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific

Tina River Hydropower Project and Village Women

Tina River Hydropower Project & AIFFP - Small Business

GAP Skill Training workshop - Meltus Denick

Tina River Hydropower Project and its impact on education

GAP Skill Training workshop - Malissa, Lorina, Jessica and Meltus.

Community Benefit Sharing Project

GAP Skill Training workshop - Lorina Tova

SIBC Interview with Fred Conning, Deputy Project Manager, TRHDP

Rate Community High School Principal Interview

GAP Skill Training workshop - Malissa Tovu