Project Updates

CBSP’s WASH Project will start soon

A one-day pre-construction consultation for a new Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP)water delivery system was held yesterday for community members of Ngongoti, Marava andValele in the Bahomea district of Central Guadalcanal. The construction and installation of the community water infrastructure,...

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Tina Hydro PET training hits a new milestone

Attending the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) Pre-Employment Training (PET) has given 40-year-old Salome Matesaia from Tina Village an opportunity to become employed. Mrs. Matesaia is one of the early participants who joined the first PET training in April this...

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Tina Hydro gets the green light

In a historic moment for the Solomon Islands, the Tina River Hydropower Development Project has overcome its last major hurdle before construction can finally commence on the much-anticipated SBD1.5 billion renewable energy project. It has been a long and challenging...

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