Project Updates

“As a woman, life in a rural community in the Solomon Islands can be hard. For me, I wake up early in the morning and walk for a long time and far distance to get to my farm. I need... In a major milestone for the Tina River Hydropower water supply program, critical field survey work for all communities in Bahomea, and Malango(Malatoha, Belaha), has now been completed with the project benefits set to positively impact approximately 5000 residents. It has taken three months for the Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) team... The Tina River Hydro project, the nation's first large utility-scale renewable project, has won a prestigious industry award and has been recognized as the Asia Pacific hydro deal of the year by IJ Global. The awards, which celebrate the best-in-class... Participants of the 3-days training "You and Your Money Towards Better Living", posing with their recognition certificate, with the Project Office Gender Officer and the Training Facilitator.While the Tina River Hydropower Development Project itself is set to create cheaper, more... L-R: Fred Conning, Tina River Hydropower Deputy Project Manager; Dentana Makini, PS, Ministry of Finance & Treasury; Dr. Lachlan Strahan, Australia High Commissioner; Bradly Tovosia - Minister of MMERE; Christopher Vehe, PS for MMERE and staff of Australia High Commission.... RATE School in the Tina Catchment to benefit from the WASH program The Water Supply and Sanitation Program is set to positively impact approximately 5000 people through improving access to safe potable water, better sanitation and hygiene in schools, clinics and... Honiara, Solomon Islands. Women only Community consultation in the Tina Communities as part of the TRHDP Gender Action Plan. While life for most women in the Solomon Islands ambles along, there is a definite sense of change on the horizon... Preparations for the construction of the access road to the Tina River Hydropower Development are now underway and with it, approximately 145 newly created jobs for the local community will be available. Advertising to recruit local residents to fill these...
Tina River Hydropower Project recognizes the contribution of local women on International Rural Women’s Day
Tina River Project completes field surveys for the water supply community program
Solomon Islands’ Nation Building Hydropower Project wins Prestigious Industry Award
Tina River Project trains locals on money matters
Australia Commits Additional SBD$1.9M Funding Towards Tina Hydro
Community Benefit Sharing Water Supply and Sanitation Program on track to assist 5000 people in communities in Central Guadalcanal.
Tina River Hydro Development enabling women through a Gender Action Plan
A boost for local employment – the Tina River Hydropower Project