More benefits proposed for Tina’s Community Benefit Sharing Program #2

Honiara, 07 September – The first instalment of the Tina River Hydropower Development Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) has reached its closing phase and planning for the second iteration, set to deliver even more community benefits, is now underway. Since its inception in 2019, many lives have been positively impacted in the Tina project catchment through community-based programs covering areas such as pre-employment training, vocation training, WASH (water and sanitation) and rural electrification.    Programs delivered under the first CBSP model have positively impacted many rural communities in the Tina catchment and are evident in improved infrastructure, income-generating opportunities, and vibrant communities. The most …

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Gender workshop organised for Tina Hydropower Project stakeholders

Attendees of the workshop from the Porject Office, HEC, THL, ABD and commuities. The Tina River Hydropower Project (TRHDP) Office hosted a one-day Gender Action Plan (GAP) workshop in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to continue to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s empowerment. The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of mainstreaming gender equality for the Project as it progresses with construction activities, while familiarising participants with ADB’s approach and GAP implementation and reporting requirements.  The event combined stakeholders fromTina Hydropower Limited (THL), Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC) and the TRHDP Office (PO) while some joined online from other …

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52 Tina River Hydro Project sponsored students enrolled – ready for 2023 academic year

HONIARA – Classes are ready to commence for 52 students from catchment communities sponsored by the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) under the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP).  The 22 males and 30 females are continuing students at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and the University of South Pacific (USP) Honiara Campus since 2021. They are enrolled in various study programs, such as Electrical Technology, Survey, Plumbing Services, Business/Accounting Studies, Tourism & Hospitality, Environmental Studies, Tropical Agriculture, Automotive Engineering, Teaching, Youth & Development, Construction Management, Secretarial Studies, Fisheries Studies, and Pharmacy Technology. CBSP Project Officer, Clinton Zinihite said …

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Local Company behind the Tina River Hydro CBSP water supply program 

The construction of direct water supplies and improved sanitation to villages in the Tina River Hydropower catchment area has been a vital deliverable of the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP). As a part of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) Implementation Agreement (IA), the CBSP team successfully delivered the project by engaging the expertise of local borehole drilling company – Pacific Strata Drilling & Water Engineering Services. The strategy is in place to ensure the Project helps build local business capacity which was achieved through fulfilling section 6 of the implementation agreement by procuring local contractors for the drilling activities. Pacific …

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Ground breaking ceremony signifies Tina is moving  

Major construction work on the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) is moving ahead   this month following the official groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday 2nd November, at the project site in Central Guadalcanal. The much-anticipated event was officiated by the Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Damukana Sogavare and attended by senior Ministers, including the Minister for Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification, Hon. Bradley Tovosia and officials from the government.  Members of the Tina catchment communities also attended and participated in the ceremony performing a traditional welcome and presenting gifts. Foreign dignitaries from the South Korea Government were also represented with Honorable …

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Malango women celebrate International Rural Women’s Day 

Women and girls from the Malango Ward of Central Guadalcanal have joined hands with the Tina River Hydropower Project Office this week to commemorate International Day of Rural Women (IDRW) at Kaimomosa Village, Belaha.  The communities celebrated with various activities on Tuesday to promote the global theme for 2022 “Rural Women -key for a world free from hunger and poverty.”  The theme focuses on equality and empowerment for women, encouraging people fight against the problems of hunger and malnutrition, especially in the agricultural sector.    As part of commemorating the event this year, women and girls of Malango were able to …

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Swedish Diplomat impressed with progress on Tina Hydro Project   

Mr Per Linnér  listens as the HEC Project Manager, Moon Eui Man explains the work that is done on site, including the assembling of the Crusher Plant.The Deputy Head of Mission (DHOM) to the Embassy of Sweden in Canberra, Australia, Mr Per Linnér praised the work currently being completed on the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) during a site visit this week.   Mr Linnér who left Honiara today was on a 5-day trip to the Solomon Islands, holding talks with Government officials and visiting projects financed by Sweden.   He is the first Swedish government representative from the Embassy in Canberra to …

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CBSP/SINU trade students in the field for practical work

For their practical component, two electrical students are currently working with Solomon Power’s 11KV extension powerline Project from Black Post to several Tina communities. They are assisting with the wiring of residences to allow for access to electricity. Morris Roni, a father of two children from Pao in the Belaha community of Central Guadalcanal, is one of the students in the SINU program.  He has been amazed at how much he has learnt while working with Solomon Power, commenting that the entire experience has been an eye-opener. “I’m quite excited. Becoming an Electrician is my dream job and it’s thrilling …

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Tina River Hydropower Project recognizes the contribution of local women on International Rural Women’s Day

“As a woman, life in a rural community in the Solomon Islands can be hard. For me, I wake up early in the morning and walk for a long time and far distance to get to my farm. I need to get up that early in order to do my gardening work because it’s then that the heat is not as harsh from the sun.”   These are the words uttered by Christina Tony, a rural female farmer, as she stands in the middle of her garden in Areatakiki, a village in the Mbahomea Region, Central Guadalcanal. Her farm is located in …

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Australia Commits Additional SBD$1.9M Funding Towards Tina Hydro

L-R: Fred Conning, Tina River Hydropower  Deputy Project Manager; Dentana Makini, PS, Ministry of Finance & Treasury; Dr. Lachlan Strahan, Australia High Commissioner; Bradly Tovosia – Minister of MMERE; Christopher Vehe, PS for MMERE and staff of Australia High Commission. (AHC Picture)  Australia has reaffirmed its ongoing commitment to the Tina River Hydropower Development Project by providing an additional SBD$1.9 million to support its Project Office. This builds on the AUD$28.8 million Australia has already provided to the Tina River Hydropower project through the World Bank to support the preparation and implementation phase. The additional funding will help the Office carry out …

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Community Benefit Sharing Water Supply and Sanitation Program on track to assist 5000 people in communities in Central Guadalcanal.

RATE School in the Tina Catchment to benefit from the WASH programThe Water Supply and Sanitation Program is set to positively impact approximately 5000 people through improving access to safe potable water, better sanitation and hygiene in schools, clinics and communities through the Central Guadalcanal province.  Work on the WASH program is underway as one of the key initiatives being funded by the Japanese Social Development Fund under the Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) for the Tina river Hydropower Development Project.   Programs like these are not uncommon in the wider Pacific region but it is a first of its kind for the Solomon …

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Tina Hydro delivers employing 31 locals in the first quarter of 2020

Workers in action at the Tina River site.There are now 31 new members of the Tina Hydropower Development Project construction team as locals fill both skilled and unskilled labour positions. Supporting local communities in the Guadalcanal region with employment opportunities is a priority for the Solomon Island Government as preparations on the Hydropower Project continue with certainty in these unprecedentedly challenging times. Since Christmas, project construction partners Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC), have worked with the Project Office under the guidance of the Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) team, to reach out to communities with employment opportunities. Positions are being filled by …

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Tina River Hydro Development enabling women through a Gender Action Plan

Honiara, Solomon Islands. While life for most women in the Solomon Islands ambles along, there is a definite sense of change on the horizon as the country finds itself on the precipice of significant advancements in the lives of women and girls. Despite difficult and deep-rooted obstacles, optimism and opportunity is being embraced by ladies across the land. Working hard to enable this change and on eve of construction, the Tina River Hydropower Development (TRHPD) Project continues to work with women and their communities and on a Gender Action Plan. The plan is designed to promote equal opportunities for both …

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