Workers in action at the Tina River site.
There are now 31 new members of the Tina Hydropower Development Project construction team as locals fill both skilled and unskilled labour positions. Supporting local communities in the Guadalcanal region with employment opportunities is a priority for the Solomon Island Government as preparations on the Hydropower Project continue with certainty in these unprecedentedly challenging times.
Since Christmas, project construction partners Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC), have worked with the Project Office under the guidance of the Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) team, to reach out to communities with employment opportunities. Positions are being filled by locals in the pre-construction phase which has included work on the campsite and preparation work for the upcoming access road construction. While Tina is a national project of the Solomon Islands and is set to deliver benefits to the entire country with more affordable electricity, the project remains committed to offering employment to people residing in the Bahomea Malango Cultural community. This is a crucial element of the implementation of the Community Benefit Sharing Program, designed to provide benefits in the way of improvements to infrastructure and services as well as training and employment opportunities to host communities.
The Project, during this initial phase of construction, has seen the engagement of Labours, Engineers, Carpenters, Office workers and Security personnel. The Project is expected to provide 350 job opportunities during peak construction allowing more locals to be part of the team. Central Guadalcanal community based companies such as Vatumarasa Holdings, who are preparing gravel for the construction of the workers camp, have also been engaged in an effort to keep opportunities local. “There are enough hardworking people in Honiara with the skills and willingness to be trained to work as a part of the construction team,” says Mr Ha, Deputy Project Manager of HEC. “We are committed to building a local team and sourcing local companies to partner with.”
Advertising to recruit local residents to fill more positions will continue over the coming months along with the appointment of a HR Consultancy Firm in May to assist with fulfilling employment requirements and create a database to manage the process.
The project, which is due to be completed and commissioned in 2024, is moving ahead and remains crucial to delivering economic and social benefits to the people of the Solomon Islands. Jobs will continue to be advertised by the Projects partners in local newspapers, on the radio and the project’s Facebook Page @tinahydro.