Bali, Indonesia 08 November – Delegates representing over 43 countries and more than 300 companies arrived in Bali, Indonesia last week for the World Hydropower Congress 2023 with the Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification (MMERE) invited to represent the Solomon Islands Government. Permanent Secretary Chris Vehe took the stage to share the Solomon Islands journey to renewable energy through the Tina River Hydropower Development Project and discussed how to transform climate ambition into action.
As a recognised leader in the field of sustainable energy, Mr. Vehe participated as a panellist, sharing his expertise and insights on the pivotal role of hydropower in providing clean energy access for all. The panel discussion explored innovative strategies and best practices that can help bridge the energy gap and ensure equitable access to reliable and sustainable energy sources worldwide.
The World Hydropower Congress, organised by the International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a premier global event that brings together renowned experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders from various sectors to discuss and propel the advancement of hydropower as a vital renewable energy source. With a focus on the theme "Powering the Future," this year's congress promises to foster meaningful dialogue and collaboration to address pressing energy challenges and opportunities.
Mr. Vehe's participation in the panel reflects MMERE's commitment to drawing a global audience to the Solomon Islands quest to promoting sustainable energy solutions. The Ministry has been unwavering in its commitment to the development of the country’s hydropower project which when operational, is set to deliver much needed benefits of cleaner, more reliable, accessible and affordable power. The project, which is being implemented by the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) has financing and support from multiplier stakeholders including the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, the Asian Development Bank, the Government of Australia, the Green Climate Fund, Korea EX-IM Economic Development Cooperation Fund, and the World Bank.
“With the Tina Project progressing solidly in 2023, it's important that we now take the stage and share our experience as a small developing economy with the global hydropower audience,” Mr Vehe said. “We hope by using the Tina River Hydropower Development Project as a case study, more opportunities will become available in the energy sector to help us work towards the Ministries goals outlined in the 2022 Renewable Energy Roadmap.”
During the congress, Mr. Vehe, alongside other panellists, leveraged their knowledge and experience to shed light on the transformative potential of hydropower in providing clean energy access for all. The discussions also contributed to the development of actionable strategies that can drive progress towards achieving inclusive and sustainable energy systems worldwide.
For more information contact Sarina Laurence, TRHDP Communications Advisor, ph: +617 432 573 136, sarina@tina-hydro.com