Environment Impact Statement 2019 (EIS) available for Public Comment

Environment Impact Statement 2019 (EIS) available for Public Comment

On 31 May 2019, the Director of the Environment and Conservation Division approved Tina Hydropower Ltd’s (THL’s) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for public comment under sections 22 and 24 of the Environment Act. The EIS supports THL’s development consent application for the construction of the access road and main Project works including the dam, reservoir, power station and tunnel. The EIS is now open for public comment until 29 June 2019 in accordance with the formal approval process provided under the Environment Act. A copy of the EIS document is available and can be viewed or downloaded from our website by following this …

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Third Release in the Tina Hydro Video Series: Powerless – The Challenge Facing Businesses in Solomon Islands

Powerless - The Challenge Facing Businesses in Solomon Islands

A series of short clips have been prepared about Tina River Hydro and its importance to Solomon Islands. The third story in the series has been released: ‘Powerless: The Challenge Facing Businesses in Solomon Islands’. It shares the story of Toata Molea, a Honiara businessman who is struggling under the high cost of electricity provided by Solomon Power.

Tina Hydro Office Briefs Environment and NGO Officials

Tina Hydro Office Briefs Environment and NGO Officials

The Tina Hydro Project Office on Thursday this week highlighted critical issues about the Environment and Social Impact Assessment Report to officials of the Environment division and representatives of the non government organisations in the country. Issues highlighted included the critical habitats and natural habitats; endangered and endemic species; water and downstream effects; reduced flow region; aquatic migratory species; workers and movements; and lands and compensations. A media statement from the Project Office said the presentation also highlighted the implementation of mitigation measures which will include contractual arrangements, reporting and implementation oversight. On the question of how tambu and cultural …

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Roha Tribe Cooperative Society Business Initiative invests in three trucks

Roha Tribe Cooperative Society Business Initiative invests in three trucks

Members of the Roha Tribe Cooperative Society in Central Guadalcanal last Saturday took delivery of three 3-ton vehicles for their business. During the launching at Kaimomosa village, Chairman of the Roha Cooperative Society Mr Daniel Una, congratulated his members but warned them to take care of the business for the benefit of all Roha members. “These three vehicles don’t belong to me, my executive or a few only. They belong to all of us Roha members. Today, I hand them over to you to look after them for our collective benefit,” he said. A very emotional Una, who broke down …

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Government Hands Over $6.9 Million to Roha Tribe for Tina Hydro

Roha Tribe members of Central Guadalcanal have received $6.9 million from the government yesterday in a brief handover ceremony in Honiara. In handing over the cheque, Commissioner of Lands Nelson Naopu thanked the executive of the tribe and their members for their support and hard work in getting this far. “I thank you very much for your support in moving the progress of the project this far. On behalf of the government I would like to congratulate you all for continuing to support the work of the government in moving this important project forward. Despite all the hassles, you have …

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Sogavare assured support for Tina River Hydro Project

Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Sogavare has been impressed with the progress made by the Tina Hydro Development Project team when the group met and briefed him on the developments. The group included Project Manager Mark France, Strategic Adviser Paul Roughan and Fred Conning, Technical Adviser. During the briefing, the Prime Minister was told that the Tina Hydro Development has the potential to generate 100 percent of Honiara’s power demand during the wet season or 50 percent during dry season. He was told the US$120 million hydro project will be operational by 2018, if all goes according to plan with the …

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Tina River Core Land Owners Give Consent

The four core landowning tribes of the proposed Tina River Hydro Project have all signed the Process Agreement Wednesday last week to consent to government acquire their land for the Tina Hydro development. Their consent marked the end of several months of negotiations between the core land tribes and the government through the Tina River Hydro Development Project Office. Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo thanked the tribes for their cooperation and understanding in supporting the government in this milestone development. “We see the success in building the hydro pointing to the beginning of a new era in sustainable development in …

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Communities Reinforce Support For Tina Hydro

Communities in Central Guadalcanal have reiterated their support for the Tina Hydro Project. This was highlighted by chiefs and leaders in eleven communities visited by community awareness workers of the Tina Hydro Project from 2 – 9 December. Chiefs and villagers welcomed the prospect of employment opportunities, community businesses, improved infrastructure such as roads, water, schools and clinics as developments stemming from the Tina Hydro Project. The Tina River Hydro Project is a major national energy project designed to meet 80% of Honiara’s electricity demands. Construction work on the project is expected to start in late 2015 and power is …

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Minister Declares Land Acquisition

Tina River Hydro Land Acquisition Process The Minister of Lands, Housing and Survey, the Honourable Joseph Onika, has made a declaration that a portion of land is needed for the public purpose of generating hydro-electric power for distribution by Solomon Islands Electricity Authority within Guadalcanal. A copy of the declaration was published in the Solomon Islands’ Government Gazette on 21 August 2014.This declaration begins the acquisition process under Division 2 of Part V of the Land and Titles Act. What is the effect of the declaration? The declaration gives the Commissioner of Lands the right to use and occupy the …

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Core Land Tribes Support Project Process

The four tribes who own the land where the proposed Tina Hydro will be located have rubbished media statements made by their former Member of Parliament Walton Naezon. A representative of the Kochiabolo tribe, one of the four tribes owning land in the core of the Tina Project, George Vari, said customary land is owned by tribes not the community of Bahomea or Malango. He went on to point out that land is not owned by created bodies such as Houses of Chiefs or Landowner Councils. “We have the right to do what we want with our land, not anybody …

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Bahomea House of Chiefs looks forward to Tina Hydro Development

The Bahomea House of Chiefs has been greatly encouraged by the recent visit of the Prime Minister to Marava in the Bahomea area. As the host community for the Tina Hydro Project, the Bahomea region has been concerned at the potential effects and impacts of the Hydro, but the PM’s delegation visiting us has given us reassurance that the government is serious about this project. We are honoured by the visit of the PM to our meeting at Marava on Saturday and pledge to continue making progress as landowners and communities. The Chairman of the Bahomea House of Chiefs , …

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Maelanga: Tina Hydro Offers Great Potential

The government’s objective is to ensure that the community experiences real benefits from the presence of the project in their territory at all stages of the project from development to operations,” says deputy prime minister Manasseh Maelanga. He was speaking about the Tina Hydro power Development project Summit In Auckland, New Zealand. Mr. Maelanga said that the unprecedented nature of Tina Hydro has therefore demanded an unprecedented approach of “Power through Partnership” to obtain and maintain ” the free prior and informed consent” of the indigenous landowning peoples of the Tina River region. The Tina Hydro has had to take …

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Prime Minister: People must benefit from national project

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo says strong partnerships between government and the people in national projects like the proposed Tina River Hydro are crucial.Prime Minister Lilo made this statement after being briefed about the progress of the Tina River Hydro Development Project last week. “It is very important that grassroots feel the impact of benefits from these national projects. “In light of the positive updates, I am very encouraged by the approach to benefits which has seen real results delivered directly to the grassroots landowner communities,” he said. The Prime Minister’s comment relates to the Ministry of Education and Human …

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Landowners Extend Access Agreement

Landowners of the Tina River Hydro Development Project have agreed to extend access to the proposed dam site for another 18 months from February 2013 when the current access agreement expires. The extension is necessary as important technical studies remain to be finalised.The technical studies are required to determine the final location and construction methods for the hydro project dam and associated infrastructures. Some of these outstanding works include geotechnical studies of local materials at two new proposed sites some distance upstream from the location of option 6 previously determined at the end of first feasibility studies. The two new …

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Government Support for Tina River Hydro Project Communities Starts

The “whole of government” approach supporting Tina River Hydro Project has started with the education sector. Communities in the Tina River Communities of Bahomea and Malango in Central Guadalcanal have been targeted by the Ministry of Education for priority in developing primary school facilities. The Ministry of Education has already started building three classrooms in three different areas of Malango and Bahomea. One is at Betivatu School in Malango and the other two are at Antioch and Rate in Bahomea. This initiative materialized after a government Taskforce meeting in September which heard that government services have not been getting to …

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Energy Minister Hands Over 2.7 Million Dollars to Tina River Landowners

Pacific Casino Hotel The Minister of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification Hon Moses Garu today handed 2.7 million dollars to 27 tribes of Central Guadalcanal. Minister Garu said the 2.7 million dollars is his government’s acknowledgement of the support the people have been giving to major national projects. Mr Garu explained that each of the 27 tribes of the Tina River Hydro Development Project would each get $100,000 as part of this goodwill payment. “This payment also confirms and implements NCRA’S policy to ensure maximum benefits accrue from the sustainable management of natural resources.” He also added that the government …

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