Tina engages another local company for CBSP water supply system work

HONIARA – Work on the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) water supply systems for various communities in the Tina River Hydropower catchment area is nearing completion with another local contractor, FeliceBerrigan (FB) Quantity Surveyors engaged to complete the plumbing and construction activities.   Section 6 of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) implementation agreement states, where possible that the Project is to engage local contractors, including within the CBSP programs. This stipulation is in place to help ensure local companies like FB Quantity Surveyors also benefit from the development of the Hydropower Project with more work opportunities which will in …

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CBSP water supply program is a dream come true after nearly 40 years of fetching water from the Tina River

HONIARA – After almost 40 years, Abilyn Chenisi and her fellow villagers living in Horohotu 2 (Verabariki) Central Guadalcanal, can now finally enjoy access from a reliable and fresh water supply at their homes, thanks to the Community Benefits Sharing Project (CBSP). For decades, the residents of Verabariki village have had to travel close to half a kilometre to fetch water from the Tina River, which was often contaminated and prone to seasonal variations. Now, because of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP), the daily reliance on the river is a thing of the past. The task of collecting …

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Let there be light – Solomon Power through CBSP energises 131 houses at Tina Village 

(HONIARA). State Owned Enterprise, Solomon Power has recently energised 131 houses in the Mbahomea zone for Tina River Hydropower Development Project catchment communities which was funded under the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP).  The CBSP, an initiative of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project through the Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification (MMERE), was created with a mandate to provide positive impacts in the project area by the investment in basic services and infrastructure for the local communities. The 11kV/415Vnetwork transmission line extension works from Black Post Road and the energising of households within the Tina Benefits Share Communities, …

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Women taking the lead – heading up MSS as security provider to Tina project

One local company working with the Tina River Hydropower Development Project is changing the way the traditionally male dominated security service industry operates in Solomon Islands under the leadership of a female owner and manager. Local firm, Mid-land Security Services (MSS), are providing services to the project as a sub-contractor under the management of female owner, Irene Atali Vouza, 58, of the Sarahi Tribe in Central Guadalcanal. Ireen owns and runs MSS with the assistance of her daughter, Elsie Len Bako, 26, as the Human Resources Manager (HRM) and Supervisor. Founded in June 2021, Ms Bako said the firm’s first …

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Establishment of Tina Community Benefit Share Fund (CBSF) on track

HONIARA – The registration of the Tina Community Benefit Share Fund (CBSF) is on track, following a one-day consultation and the appointment of an interim-committee in mid-February 2023. CBSF is one of the obligations of the national government to be rolled out through the pilot Community Benefits Sharing Project (CBSP) for the host communities of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP).  The CBSF is an innovative approach to benefit-sharing that will ensure that stream of benefits can flow to the host communities through revenue generated by the sale of electricity from the hydro power facility. It will continue to …

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52 Tina River Hydro Project sponsored students enrolled – ready for 2023 academic year

HONIARA – Classes are ready to commence for 52 students from catchment communities sponsored by the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) under the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP).  The 22 males and 30 females are continuing students at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and the University of South Pacific (USP) Honiara Campus since 2021. They are enrolled in various study programs, such as Electrical Technology, Survey, Plumbing Services, Business/Accounting Studies, Tourism & Hospitality, Environmental Studies, Tropical Agriculture, Automotive Engineering, Teaching, Youth & Development, Construction Management, Secretarial Studies, Fisheries Studies, and Pharmacy Technology. CBSP Project Officer, Clinton Zinihite said …

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Tina River Project Concrete plant ready to be commissioned 

The Concrete batching plant for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project has gone through its final installation work and is expected to be in full operation by January 2023.   Manas Ranjan Samal, Hyundai Electrical Engineering (HEC) Electrical Manager confirmed that the installation of the concrete facility is almost complete and will soon begin the process of testing and commissioning.   “We are now completing the electrical works and testing will commence in the coming weeks for commissioning.”   The plant will produce different grades of concretes for various works based on the mixed design taking into consideration the concrete slump, grade, and …

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Local Company behind the Tina River Hydro CBSP water supply program 

The construction of direct water supplies and improved sanitation to villages in the Tina River Hydropower catchment area has been a vital deliverable of the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP). As a part of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) Implementation Agreement (IA), the CBSP team successfully delivered the project by engaging the expertise of local borehole drilling company – Pacific Strata Drilling & Water Engineering Services. The strategy is in place to ensure the Project helps build local business capacity which was achieved through fulfilling section 6 of the implementation agreement by procuring local contractors for the drilling activities. Pacific …

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What you can learn from Tina River Hydropower Project

By Sarina Laurence A distinctive model for benefiting customary land owners Genuine partnerships between landowners, community, Government and commercial entities are not just important for sustainable development; they are absolutely essential. This has been the proven by the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) in Solomon Islands, where the flagship renewable energy project will provide more affordable, reliable and accessible power to its people and put Solomon Islands at the forefront of the new green global economy. As well as these essential benefits, Tina has also paved the way with the development of an innovative and unique transactional model; allowing …

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Ground breaking ceremony signifies Tina is moving  

Major construction work on the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) is moving ahead   this month following the official groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday 2nd November, at the project site in Central Guadalcanal. The much-anticipated event was officiated by the Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Damukana Sogavare and attended by senior Ministers, including the Minister for Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification, Hon. Bradley Tovosia and officials from the government.  Members of the Tina catchment communities also attended and participated in the ceremony performing a traditional welcome and presenting gifts. Foreign dignitaries from the South Korea Government were also represented with Honorable …

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Malango women celebrate International Rural Women’s Day 

Women and girls from the Malango Ward of Central Guadalcanal have joined hands with the Tina River Hydropower Project Office this week to commemorate International Day of Rural Women (IDRW) at Kaimomosa Village, Belaha.  The communities celebrated with various activities on Tuesday to promote the global theme for 2022 “Rural Women -key for a world free from hunger and poverty.”  The theme focuses on equality and empowerment for women, encouraging people fight against the problems of hunger and malnutrition, especially in the agricultural sector.    As part of commemorating the event this year, women and girls of Malango were able to …

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Swedish Diplomat impressed with progress on Tina Hydro Project   

Mr Per Linnér  listens as the HEC Project Manager, Moon Eui Man explains the work that is done on site, including the assembling of the Crusher Plant. The Deputy Head of Mission (DHOM) to the Embassy of Sweden in Canberra, Australia, Mr Per Linnér praised the work currently being completed on the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) during a site visit this week.     Mr Linnér who left Honiara today was on a 5-day trip to the Solomon Islands, holding talks with Government officials and visiting projects financed by Sweden.     He is the first Swedish government representative from …

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Hi-tech Wastewater Treatment Plant installed at Tina Hydro campsite 

A high-tech and environmentally friendly Wastewater Treatment Plant is now fully operational at the Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC) campsite, near the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) site in Central Guadalcanal. The facility which uses the Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) technology is a first of its kind in the Solomon Islands with a completely biological process of treating wastewater.  The MBR system which was designed in a containerised form, is recognised as a proven technology to produce high quality effluent with a smaller footprint and can handle larger volumes with less retention time.   “The MBR does ultra-filtration where a high level of filtration deposit is achieved by producing clean and high-quality water. The treated water is safe for reuse and we are utilizing it by spraying on the access roads to suppress dust,” said Mr Manas Ranjan Samal, Electrical Manager of HEC.  …

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CBSP aids young Kela’s drive to continue tertiary studies 

The Community Benefits Sharing Project (CBSP) has become a game changer for many of the people in communities surrounding the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP). Kevin Kela, a 28-year-old from Namoraoni in the Malango area of Guadalcanal, is one of the CBSP success stories and a positive example of how the Project and communities have been able to work together for a better future. In 2019, Kela abandoned his Certificate in Environmental Studies journey at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) after he could not pay for his tuition fees for the whole year, due to financial distress. Around …

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Making a difference – more women trained with life skills

More women from Tina River catchment communities are attending a four-day life-skills which commenced on Tuesday at Mataruka village. A total of 35 women from Malatoha and Belaha in Central Guadalcanal will take part in training which forms a part of the Gender Action Plan (GAP) for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP). In the rural communities of Solomon Island, women often struggle with limited job opportunities. To address this, GAP is providing resources and up-skilling women to help earn a modest living and help financially support their family. Gender-Community Liaison Officer for TRHDP, Helen Dolaiano speaking to the …

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18 bore holes now drilled for CBSP water systems to start construction

A woman from the community accessing water line to her home area. Bore hole drilling for the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) water systems are now complete with the last 3 water bores holes at Belaha finished this week.  A total of 18 holes have been drilled ready for the system construction which will benefit approximately 40 communities from Bahomea, Malatoha, Mataruka and Belaha.   Next week, construction on the water systems will commence at Tina village, Rate Community High School, Horohotu 3 and Aretakiki with materials being delivered over the coming days. The entire construction program to build 18 …

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CBSP’s PET reaches target of 300 participants

The TRHDP’s Community Benefit Share Project (CBSP) has reached its target milestone of 300 people participating in Pre-Employment Training (PET) as the 11th and final group attended sessions last week. The PET program has been an ongoing element of component three’s Human Resource Development which also includes vocational and technical training programs. These programs, which started back in 2020, have helped members of communities in the Project catchment be trained and equipped to access the employment and other future opportunities.   CBSP Coordinator Francis Kapini described the wrap up of PET as a significant achievement for the Project and communities. …

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First in country mission for Tina financier in 2 years

A delegation of Lenders flew into Honiara last week, marking the first face to face supervised Lenders mission for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project since prior to COVID-19 and the closing of international borders.   Representatives from the World bank (WB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Korea Eximbank (EDCF), Australia Infrastructure Fund for the Pacific, (AIFFP), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ( DFAT) of the Australia Government spent from the 1st to 15th of July in Honiara and the Tina catchment areas on the supervision Mission to check on the progress for implementation of the Project.   For the …

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CPSP’s second batch of sponsored SINU students start classes

Tina River Hydropower Project Office CBSP Coordinator and Officer along with Pasifiki HR and students from project catchment communities. The second group of sponsored students from the Tina River Hydropower Development Project catchment has commenced various courses at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) as a part of the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) partnership.   A total of 34 students, 12 males, and 22 females, are enrolled in various courses such as Electrical Trades, Heavy Plant Mechanic), Hospitality courses, and Tropical Agriculture and Environmental studies. Additional courses have also been added to cater to those unable to finish Form …

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Tina WASH program gains momentum

Borehole drilling for water supply at the Tina River Hydropower project communities.  Work at Bahomea communities is currently underway as the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) makes a significant push forward to provide locals clean and reliable water supplies under the Water Supply Program.  Water Supply works for Horohotu 1-3, Tina and surrounding areas, Marava, Ngongoti, Verakabikabi, Vatupaua, Areatakiki, Rate Community High School, all located within Bahomea , have commenced and are at various stages of completion.   The systems, funded and coordinated by the CBSP for the Tina River Hydro Development Project (TRHDP), range from borehole systems to those …

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