On 25th July 2019, the Director of Environment and Conservation Division (ECD) under Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) approved Tina Hydropower Limited’s (THL’s) Development Application for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) and granted THL the Development Consent under section 22 and 24 of the Environment Act 1998, to undertake the development of TRHDP.
The development consent is applicable for component 1 and 2 of TRHDP that comprise the construction of access roads and main project works including dam, reservoir, power station and tunnel. The development consent outlines several conditions including those prescribed in the Environmental Act 1998 and Regulations 2008 that THL shall comply with during the construction and operation of TRHDP.
Section 32 subsection 1 of the Environment Act 1998 and Regulation 16 of the Environment Regulation 2008 require that the public is informed of this decision.
Copies of the Development Consent documents are available and can be viewed and downloaded from our website by following this link.