Tina Hydro delivers more capacity building training for project  communities 

More capacity building training for women, youth and men of the Project catchment area was delivered by the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) under the Gender Action Plan (GAP) last week in the form of a social media and marketing training course.  The 3-day event was held at Verabariki and Ngongoti community hall in Bahomea with over 50 participants in attendance, 90% of which were women and girls, many of whom run small community-based businesses.    The social media and marketing training focused on teaching various techniques for small business owners to better present their products and services, handle promotions and how …

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SIG continues working towards protecting the Upper Catchment environment of Tina River Hydropower Development Project after COP28 

Following its participation in the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28), the Solomon Islands Government, through the Tina River Hydropower Development Project’s (TRHDP) lead ministry, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) have reiterated its unwavering commitment towards a better management of the Tina River Upper Catchment with the objectives of preserving the rich biodiversity of the area. This commitment includes seeking climate adaptation funding through the newly launched FATEI financing platform, by emphasising the importance of enhancing environmental and indigenous intactness. The Tina River Hydropower Development Project, a significant climate change infrastructure initiative, aims to …

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Tina River Hydropower Development Project heads to COP28 in Dubai with Solomon Islands cross Ministry delegation

Following last month’s World Hydropower Congress in Bali, the Tina River Hydropower Development Project is now heading to the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28 in Dubai as a part of a cross Ministry delegation. Representatives from the Project Office for the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) will participate in a hosted panel discussion as a part of a combined Solomon Islands side event to be held in the Blue Pavilion on December 8.  MMERE will join the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM), the Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT) and …

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Local Company Solomon Sheet Steel Partners with Tina Hydro as Primary Supplier of Cement and Aggregate

The Tina River Hydropower Development Project’s investment in and support of local businesses during the preparation and construction phases of the project continue to have far-reaching positive effects. For Solomon Sheet Steel, a family-owned business and a prominent building materials supplier and manufacturer in the Solomon Islands for over 40 years, the partnership with the national project has allowed to business to again prosper after a difficult few years impacted by the effects of the global pandemic.  Currently employing approximately 400 workers, this multi-faceted company specializing in steel, cement, and building materials has been able to expand its workforce due to …

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MMERE attends World Hydropower Congress 2023 in Bali

Bali, Indonesia 08 November – Delegates representing over 43 countries and more than 300 companies arrived in Bali, Indonesia last week for the World Hydropower Congress 2023 with the Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification (MMERE) invited to represent the Solomon Islands Government. Permanent Secretary Chris Vehe took the stage to share the Solomon Islands journey to renewable energy through the Tina River Hydropower Development Project and discussed how to transform climate ambition into action.  As a recognised leader in the field of sustainable energy, Mr. Vehe participated as a panellist, sharing his expertise and insights on the pivotal role of …

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Water level and flow monitoring continues at the Tina River reservoir site 

Water Level and Flow Monitoring at the Tina River reservoir site has been successfully completed by EPC contractors, Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC) after the team, led by HEC Senior Design Engineer Mr. Oh Myung Hwan, camped down at the dam site over a weeklong period.  They were tasked to conduct hydrology collection and monitoring to validate the data captured by the transmitters which were installed several months ago and sample the river water, which happens at regular intervals, to carry out suspended sediment analysis at the HEC Laboratory.  HEC Specialist Titus Siapu collecting data Supporting Mr Oh Myung Hwan was Titus …

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Celebrating the strength and resilience of women in the Tina catchment on International Day of Rural Women

On October 15, International Day of Rural Women is being recognised around the world bringing attention to the unique challenges faced by women in rural communities. Issues such as limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities are widespread and are often compounded by environmental and cultural factors that can prevent rural women from fully participating in social, political, and economic systems. For women living in the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) catchment, they also face challenges which can hinder their ability to pursue viable livelihood options. Some of these include a lack of skills and training opportunities, access to limited infrastructure and basic services such as transportation, electricity and water. Despite this, these women continue to demonstrate remarkable strength and resilience in their daily lives. They play vital roles in their communities, serving as caretakers, farmers, and entrepreneurs. As the pendulum starts to swing through hard work and determination, these rural women are willingly taking part in opportunities provided by the Project to help build a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. For the past 3 years, the renewable energy project has been committed to promoting gender equity and empowering women living in the Tina catchment through its Gender Action Plan (GAP). Its ongoing implementation has not only provided unprecedented opportunities for these women but helped to raise awareness about gender equality and challenging social norms through community engagement. Even though the problems are deep rooted and difficult to diffuse, many GAP initiatives have already successfully taken place and more are being planned for 2024. Past programs such as targeted training and capacity-building to enhance women's skills and knowledge in various sectors such as small business entrepreneurship, financial management and life-skills training have been attended by over 100 rural women in the past 3 years. Women groups have been established and meet regularly with the support of a Gender Liaison Officer from the Project Office team to help facilitate promoting women's participation and representation in local decision-making processes; empowering them to have a voice in their communities. All of these activities by GAP have and will continue to provide a platform for rural women to become a part of the solution, building strength and resilience and inspiring future generations. The Tina River Hydropower Development Project is being implemented by the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) with financing and support from the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, the Asian Development Bank, the Government of Australia, the Green Climate Fund, Korea EX-IM Economic Development Cooperation Fund, and the World Bank. The GAP initiative is a positive example of a SIG investment that is responding to local women’s needs and help stimulate rural economic development.

On October 15, International Day of Rural Women is being recognised around the world bringing attention to the unique challenges faced by women in rural communities.  Issues such as limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities are widespread and are often compounded by environmental and cultural factors that can prevent rural women from fully participating in social, political, and economic systems.   For women living in the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) catchment, they also face challenges which can hinder their ability to pursue viable livelihood options. Some of these include a lack of skills and training opportunities, access …

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More benefits proposed for Tina’s Community Benefit Sharing Program #2

Honiara, 07 September – The first instalment of the Tina River Hydropower Development Community Benefit Sharing Program (CBSP) has reached its closing phase and planning for the second iteration, set to deliver even more community benefits, is now underway. Since its inception in 2019, many lives have been positively impacted in the Tina project catchment through community-based programs covering areas such as pre-employment training, vocation training, WASH (water and sanitation) and rural electrification.    Programs delivered under the first CBSP model have positively impacted many rural communities in the Tina catchment and are evident in improved infrastructure, income-generating opportunities, and vibrant communities. The most …

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SIEOTEC – the unsung heroes making sure Tina construction is UXO free

HONIARA – The commencement of construction activities at the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) site would not have been possible without local company, Solomon Islands Explosive Ordnance Technicians (SIEOTEC), who have been responsible for the clearance of Unexploded Ordinances (UXOs) from World War 2 (WWII) within the project zone. SIEOTEC was established in 2012 and its team includes local UXO experts. It is the first local UXO commercial   firm which is responsible for ensuring that the Project’s construction sites are free from UXO. UXO clearance is a part of the Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan and must be …

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Gender workshop organised for Tina Hydropower Project stakeholders

Attendees of the workshop from the Porject Office, HEC, THL, ABD and commuities. The Tina River Hydropower Project (TRHDP) Office hosted a one-day Gender Action Plan (GAP) workshop in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to continue to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s empowerment. The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of mainstreaming gender equality for the Project as it progresses with construction activities, while familiarising participants with ADB’s approach and GAP implementation and reporting requirements.  The event combined stakeholders fromTina Hydropower Limited (THL), Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC) and the TRHDP Office (PO) while some joined online from other …

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Work on access roads to the Tina Hydropower dam and power station sites progressing well 

Construction works on the access roads to the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) dam site (Lot 2-2) and power station (Lot 3-1) is progressing, despite initial delays which included clearance of the final set of Construction Environment & Social Management Plans (C-ESMPs), difficult terrain conditions and bad weather.  Due to naturally steep slopes in many sections, the access roads require significant excavation works removing large volumes of soil.  The total amount soil removed so far is equal to 53 football fields with Lot 2-2 excavating 47,762m3 and Lot 3-1, 20,702m3. The removed materials have been transported to designated disposal …

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Female employment increases as Tina Hydropower construction progresses

HONIARA – Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC), the engineering procurement construction (EPC) contractor of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project has recorded an increase in the number of its female employees in the first quarter of 2023, as the project progresses. Through the guidance of lenders like World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the project continues to work with women and their communities on executing the Gender Action Plan (GAP) which promotes equal opportunities for both women and men to participate and receive project benefits and encourages employment to achieve at least 30% recruitment of women during construction. Tina …

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Biodiversity ESMP approved allowing further construction on Tina to occur

After years of preparation work, the final construction Environmental and Safeguard Management Plan (C-ESMP) for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) has been approved last month.  The Project’s holding company Tina Hydro Ltd. (THL) and its construction partner Hyundai Engineering Company (HEC), along with Lenders and Solomon Island Government officials agreed on the Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) which is required for main construction works relating to the dam and power station, as a part of the lenders mission in Honiara during the week of 22nd-26th May 2023  The much-anticipated SBD1.5 billion renewable energy project has endured a long and …

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CBSP work benefits two Tina Schools with water supply and electricity access

Two schools within the Mbahomea region of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) catchment are now able to access water and electricity, thanks to the Community Benefits Sharing Project (CBSP).  Rate Community High School and Perch Christian Academy (Extension) in Tina Village are the first two schools in catchment communities to see early benefits from the Project; well before the infrastructure has been built and the hydropower is flowing. These benefits come under Component 2 of the CBSP relating to improving investment in community infrastructure. The delivery of this CBSP component will not only benefits for schools, but the …

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Tina engages another local company for CBSP water supply system work

HONIARA – Work on the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP) water supply systems for various communities in the Tina River Hydropower catchment area is nearing completion with another local contractor, FeliceBerrigan (FB) Quantity Surveyors engaged to complete the plumbing and construction activities.   Section 6 of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) implementation agreement states, where possible that the Project is to engage local contractors, including within the CBSP programs. This stipulation is in place to help ensure local companies like FB Quantity Surveyors also benefit from the development of the Hydropower Project with more work opportunities which will in …

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CBSP water supply program is a dream come true after nearly 40 years of fetching water from the Tina River

HONIARA – After almost 40 years, Abilyn Chenisi and her fellow villagers living in Horohotu 2 (Verabariki) Central Guadalcanal, can now finally enjoy access from a reliable and fresh water supply at their homes, thanks to the Community Benefits Sharing Project (CBSP). For decades, the residents of Verabariki village have had to travel close to half a kilometre to fetch water from the Tina River, which was often contaminated and prone to seasonal variations. Now, because of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP), the daily reliance on the river is a thing of the past. The task of collecting …

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Let there be light – Solomon Power through CBSP energises 131 houses at Tina Village 

(HONIARA). State Owned Enterprise, Solomon Power has recently energised 131 houses in the Mbahomea zone for Tina River Hydropower Development Project catchment communities which was funded under the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP).  The CBSP, an initiative of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project through the Ministry of Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification (MMERE), was created with a mandate to provide positive impacts in the project area by the investment in basic services and infrastructure for the local communities. The 11kV/415Vnetwork transmission line extension works from Black Post Road and the energising of households within the Tina Benefits Share Communities, …

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Women taking the lead – heading up MSS as security provider to Tina project

One local company working with the Tina River Hydropower Development Project is changing the way the traditionally male dominated security service industry operates in Solomon Islands under the leadership of a female owner and manager. Local firm, Mid-land Security Services (MSS), are providing services to the project as a sub-contractor under the management of female owner, Irene Atali Vouza, 58, of the Sarahi Tribe in Central Guadalcanal. Ireen owns and runs MSS with the assistance of her daughter, Elsie Len Bako, 26, as the Human Resources Manager (HRM) and Supervisor. Founded in June 2021, Ms Bako said the firm’s first …

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Establishment of Tina Community Benefit Share Fund (CBSF) on track

HONIARA – The registration of the Tina Community Benefit Share Fund (CBSF) is on track, following a one-day consultation and the appointment of an interim-committee in mid-February 2023. CBSF is one of the obligations of the national government to be rolled out through the pilot Community Benefits Sharing Project (CBSP) for the host communities of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP).  The CBSF is an innovative approach to benefit-sharing that will ensure that stream of benefits can flow to the host communities through revenue generated by the sale of electricity from the hydro power facility. It will continue to …

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52 Tina River Hydro Project sponsored students enrolled – ready for 2023 academic year

HONIARA – Classes are ready to commence for 52 students from catchment communities sponsored by the Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) under the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP).  The 22 males and 30 females are continuing students at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and the University of South Pacific (USP) Honiara Campus since 2021. They are enrolled in various study programs, such as Electrical Technology, Survey, Plumbing Services, Business/Accounting Studies, Tourism & Hospitality, Environmental Studies, Tropical Agriculture, Automotive Engineering, Teaching, Youth & Development, Construction Management, Secretarial Studies, Fisheries Studies, and Pharmacy Technology. CBSP Project Officer, Clinton Zinihite said …

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